Sweet Smile


Is taken for granted

Never understood for the depth and meaning it has.
Delivered using muscles more and heart less,

For the sake of formality more and for the sake of joy less.


It seems so tough to smile as

Mind chooses to remember the wrong,

Ego can’t love anyone but itself,

Melancholy wins over celebration,

Heart yearns to love but the mind refuses to forgive,

One chooses to keep the hatred and fear in others alive,

Without which one’s own fears and doubts surface,

And in many a person

Intelligence thinks to itself whether the world is worthy of a smile now.


But a smile when genuine can

Convey the message of the heart through the eyes,
Remove the awkwardness of the moment,
Replace doubt with faith,
Eases the tension in the air,
Bring a smile on another’s face,
Make the existing bonds stronger,
Make even a stranger, a friend,
Can dissolve the boundaries if any between you and me

Become a prayer that is silent but is filled with so much meaning.




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